So & Linux as a Platform

Richard Weideman richard.weideman at
Fri Oct 13 10:35:08 UTC 2006

Hello Simon,

On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 07:48 -0400, Simon Ruiz wrote:
> So what you're saying is: Regardless of whether I use the Ubuntu
> or Edubuntu name, I am still an asset to this community (edubuntu),
> and this new space you're developing ?

> Makes sense to me.
Glad to hear.

> I was just feeling a bit useless when I couldn't chime in on
> any of the LTSP speak.
Not all Edubuntu education deployments use LTSP
Not all Edubuntu LTSP deployments are in education 
- we've found iCafe's that use Edubuntu LTSP !

> I'll keep an eye out for your announcement!
I've applied for the creation of a new mailing list:
ubuntu-education at

I'll be mailing these lists to announce it:
edubuntu-devel at
edubuntu-users at

That will be the start of the space for interaction of:
"people involved in education who use any ubuntu product"

As an Ubuntu Education Administrator, you may not share all of the
technical issues "under the desktop" with this Edubuntu product mail

However you share much in common with the members of this mailing group
in issues that are "above the desktop":
* open source applications
* platform agnostic content
* open source advocacy
* education and ICT

Consider the same for education folk using Kubuntu as a platform.

Again, their (technical) intersection with the Edubuntu groups is not
very high, but they should also share a lot in common with you.

Hence the "Ubuntu in Education" cross-section which will cut across all
of the products.

More soon !


> ________________________________
> From: edubuntu-devel-bounces at on behalf of Richard Weideman
> Sent: Wed 10/11/2006 3:23 AM
> To: LIST - edubuntu devel
> Subject: So & Linux as a Platform
> Hello,
> Some explanations and thoughts with respect to the two threads above;
> not a direct response, but I think it will help in showing how we are
> currently addressing some of the issues raised.
> *snip*
> > Edubuntu and Ubuntu are not meant to be seen as distinct
> > projects; Edubuntu is part of the Ubuntu project, and
> > they are both part of one development team that contributes
> > to the whole. Edubuntu is Ubuntu with a different default setup.
> *snip*
> In tackling the broad aims above, a decision was taken to begin with a
> focus on:
> * the primary education desktop
> * the LTSP server
> *snip*
> Two significant main points have become clear:
> 1. Ubuntu and Education is more than just the Edubuntu Product
> i.e Education users are using more than just Edubuntu
> - Ubuntu is used by universities
> - Ubuntu is used by some schools
> - Kubuntu is quite widely in schools
> 2. Adoption of Open Source in Education is more than a Desktop issue
> - teaching applications
> - teaching content
> - business issues (current vested interests in existing solutions)
> - soft factors (perceptions, resistance to change, training)
> To address the points above, we are building:
> " an Ubuntu and Education Community "
> In this new space:
> * we seek to discuss and share successes, thoughts, ideas, concerns,
> requirements (technical and non-technical)
> * we seek to bring in a broader education membership than the current
> technical group : both users and other stakeholders
> * we seek to bring the education community into our planning and
> productivity processes
> The community will be a drupal site, with forums and  education specific
> mailing lists, and a new irc channel #ubuntu-education.
> You can expect an announcement in this mailing list before the Edgy
> release on the 26th.
> Comments welcome :)
> Regards
> Richard

Richard Weideman
+27 (83) 321-2233
richard.weideman at

Education Programme Manager
Canonical Ltd - Linux for Human Beings

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