Testing edubuntu edgy beta

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Tue Oct 3 11:28:14 UTC 2006

Am Dienstag, den 03.10.2006, 13:17 +0200 schrieb Nicolas Pettiaux:
> > > I have tested the new functions of edubuntu edgy beta
> Oliver,
> In order to help with the test and debugging, where can I/we find the
> procedure for the test that you would like us to perform first ?
> Thanks,
> Nicolas
i outlined the procedure on the
https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuKnot3LTSPTesting wikipage
apart from the fact that all issues mentioned there should be fixed with
the beta release, the points for tesing apply (copied from teh wiki):

The following describes the test procedure for edubuntu edgy beta for
ltsp installations. note that two or more NICs in the server are
required for the fully automatic install:

      * Make sure the install finishes without errors.
      * After reboot it should be possible to immediately boot a thin
        client on the second network interface.
      * Create a second nonprivileged desktop user and add him/her to
        the fuse group with the users-admin gui tool (this is not done
        automatically for security reasons, not all admins want their
        users to be able to use local devices by default). 
      * Log in on the thin client with this user, check if the login
        sound plays (only if you have sound hardware in the thin client
        indeed :))
      * Plug in a usb stick or a usb-storage based camera (or an ipod),
        it should show up on the desktop. 
      * Log in on the server as the admin user and start the student
        control panel from the System->Administration menu. 
      * Try to send a message to the users session from
      * Start firefox in the users session with student-control-panel. 
      * Kill firefox in the users session again with
note that theer is a bug in pessulus so the lockdown functionallity from
student-control-panel might not work yet ... a fix is underway.

If all of these points above work fine the CD is good :) if you discover
problems with one of them please file bugs against the following

      * ltspfs for the usbsticks cameras etc 
      * ltsp for sound problems 
      * student-control-panel for bugs with it 
      * ltsp if the client doesnt boot at all. 

happy tesing ;)

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