[Fwd: Re: Edubuntu: Gallium vs. Kalzium]

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Sun Oct 1 22:59:53 UTC 2006

Am Sonntag, den 01.10.2006, 17:45 +0200 schrieb Anne-Marie Mahfouf:
> Hi Jonathan,
> > I have the same sentiment of disappointment towards these KDE
> > developers. KDE has built a good reputation for being collaborative and
> > working well with others. I would actually think that they'd be glad
> > that someone is making a GTK port of their application, or at least even
> > consider doing so. I would expect that they would provide input and
> > insight into how the people that would do it could do it better.
> > Instead, sadly, they had very harsh criticisms that can't be backed that
> > they took out on the completely wrong people. I hope that's not a
> > reflection of the larger KDE or KDE-edu organisation, since I really
> > like the KDE system itself :/
> I don't know what these "very harsh criticisms" are and they don't reflect the 
i'm very well capable of taking "harsh criticisms" but some things were
shockingly far beyond what you would define like that ...

> point of view of KDE or KDE-Edu. I am the KDE-Edu coordinator and I think you 
> are free to do what you want and port any KDE app to GTK. However I also 
> think it's a waste of time and resources to duplicate work and we have better 
> things to do in order to provide teachers the tools they need. Because they 
> need a lot of educational software! This is not about Kalzium, it's about 
> collaboration.
right, all i wanted to express is my disappointment about the KDE
community here, not about kdeedu i love kdeedu and what its about, and
edubuntu wouldnt be half as good without it ...

Anne-Marie, i'm really happy you're approaching us and look forward
working with you once that has settled ...

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