[Fwd: Re: Edubuntu: Gallium vs. Kalzium]

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Sun Oct 1 15:45:08 UTC 2006

Hi Jonathan,

> I have the same sentiment of disappointment towards these KDE
> developers. KDE has built a good reputation for being collaborative and
> working well with others. I would actually think that they'd be glad
> that someone is making a GTK port of their application, or at least even
> consider doing so. I would expect that they would provide input and
> insight into how the people that would do it could do it better.
> Instead, sadly, they had very harsh criticisms that can't be backed that
> they took out on the completely wrong people. I hope that's not a
> reflection of the larger KDE or KDE-edu organisation, since I really
> like the KDE system itself :/

I don't know what these "very harsh criticisms" are and they don't reflect the 
point of view of KDE or KDE-Edu. I am the KDE-Edu coordinator and I think you 
are free to do what you want and port any KDE app to GTK. However I also 
think it's a waste of time and resources to duplicate work and we have better 
things to do in order to provide teachers the tools they need. Because they 
need a lot of educational software! This is not about Kalzium, it's about 
We at KDE-Edu already work with 2 other educational distributions, I recently 
subscribed to Edubuntu-devel in order to see how we also can collaborate. 
A common database of needs for example would be a good start. 


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