[K12OSN] Fl_Teachers_Tool

Robert Arkiletian robark at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 19:54:56 UTC 2006

On 11/20/06, David Trask <dtrask at vcsvikings.org> wrote:
> "Support list for open source software in schools." <k12osn at redhat.com>
> writes:
> >
> >As for Edubuntu, they have "Student Control Panel" which has many of the
> >features of Fl_TeacherTool.

Yes, this is why I have not ported fl_TeacherTool to Edubuntu. In
addition, Edubuntu has strict requirements for apps being accepted.
Namely, they prefer apps be coded in GTK+ not FLTK. GTK+ keeps the
GNOME look and feel.

> And was adopted as a spec for Fiesty (due in April) with much more
> functionality.  So....in essence working to adopt FL_Teachertool for
> Ubuntu will be duplication of efforts already underway.

I have read some of the spec for SCP
and as far as I can tell the extra features which it will have are

1) enabling restrictions on users with pessulus
2) setting up a "group system" where only students who belong to a
teacher will show up in the user list
3) Prettier GUI with icons beside processes
4) Plugin mechanism to make it easier to add other features

Are there any other extra features in SCP?

BTW I have been thinking about #2. This is required for schools with a
powerful ltsp server running multiple classrooms. I don't think it's
possible to do this properly without filtering by mac addresses.
Imagine a student enrolled in 2 different IT classes in different
blocks. If teacher Smith has the student in block A and teacher Jones
has the student in block B then if the filtering system is simply
based on groups, it will fail since he will show up in Smiths block B
classlist. So, for the next version of Fl_TT, I thought of having a
simple flat file with room #'s associated with MAC addesses. If I can
poll and associate a mac address to an ip I can filter the list by
reading the flat file. (Doesn't nmap do this?)
The advantage of this solution is that if the labs are being used with
generic logins (comp1, comp2, etc) it will still work.

> David N. Trask
> Technology Teacher/Director
> Vassalboro Community School
> dtrask at vcsvikings.org
> (207)923-3100
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Robert Arkiletian
Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada
Fl_TeacherTool http://www3.telus.net/public/robark/Fl_TeacherTool/
C++ GUI tutorial http://www3.telus.net/public/robark/

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