Live CD--possible uses and questions

Susan Addington saddingt at
Tue May 2 22:12:34 UTC 2006


It's me, the curriculum person again.

I tried the Live CD (6.06)  on my (laptop) Mac, and have some questions.

I'm thinking of using some of the edubuntu software in my Math for  
Elementary Teachers course next year. The live CD might be a  
convenient way to use the software on whatever computer the students  
have available without having to download and install programs. Many  
of my students do their work on a computer at their job, or one that  
is shared by family members; they can't just install a new operating  
system. Or some have their own computer, but have files and programs  
that they need to use in their current OS.

However, here are some things that didn't work "out of the box". My  
Mac has a wireless card, and normally it will connect to any open  
network it can find. I couldn't find any easy way of configuring the  
network settings so that I could use the connection. (And I couldn't  
connect to the web to search for help!)

Various of the programs claimed to save files to /home/ubuntu/, but  
afterwards I couldn't find any such place on my hard disk. Presumably  
it didn't actually save anything. Is there a way to save to, say, a  
USB flash drive?

My impression of the software included in edubuntu is that it's a  
mixed bag of stuff at wildly different levels. I would be interested  
in somehow producing a custom CD, with just the things I think my  
students will need. Of course it's possible, but is there a way an  
amateur could do it easily?

Susan Addington
Cal State San Bernardino

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