Meeting Thursday 30 March rescheduled to 16:00 UTC

Herman Bos hbos at
Mon Mar 27 10:25:05 UTC 2006

Hi List,

We decided to reschedule the meeting this Thursday from 12:00 UTC to 16:00 UTC.

Because of this rescheduling Mario Đanić can attend. He already offered his help and we are preparing some drafts for the meeting. 

You can find our Drafts at: 

This might help you in preparing for the meeting. It should be quite complete on Thursday afternoon.

A slightly updated agenda:

When: Thursday 30 March 2006 at 16:00 UTC.

Where: #ubuntu-meeting at

If you have comments about the agenda or want to submit extra items
please let me know so I can incorporate it into the agenda and prepare
for it.


1) Define purpose and role of the book.

2) Set deadlines for Dapper version.

3) Define scope. What do we want in the book and what not.

4) Collaboration method. Wiki? Docbook?

5) Revise current chapter layout.

6) Define what each chapter should cover.

7) Assign roles and responsibilities

I expect the meeting to take 1 to 2 hours, depending on the
participants. :)


Herman Bos

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