
Allie Kallo iammwhatiamm at
Mon Mar 6 02:46:54 UTC 2006

Hello All.
I am a newbie to ubuntu...and I love it.  I had been
using Breezy for about 2 months, and this weekend
upgraded to Dapper and added the edubuntu programs
(with the help of my wonderful geek husband).

I have been looking at the educatainment programs.  I
am very impressed by most.  However, I thought some
(KVocTrain & KMplot,notably) would benifit from more
documentation or a tutorial.  Can I contribute to the
community by working on this?  If so, is there a
person I should get in touch with?  

The Edubuntu platform is amazing.  As an educator, I
see all sorts of potential for its use in local

Thank you for working on this community project!
Allison Kallo

"The most beautiful moments are the ones just before you act: open ended and full of promise."   
John Gierach

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