Edubuntu Flight CD 4

plougher phillip.lougher at
Thu Mar 2 13:59:12 UTC 2006

Paul Dickson wrote:
> I booted the Edubuntu Flight 4 Live-CD twice on my Inspiron 6000.  Both
> times it oopsed while booting (related to the squashfs), yet the system
> continued to boot up.

As the author of Squashfs I'm concerned that people are saying the oops is
due to Squashfs simply because Squashfs occurs in the stack trace.  I'm
currently trying to track the problem down, and there is a significant
probability that the cause of the oops is "upstream" in a module before
Squashfs is called.  Currently it is equally likely  that the bug is caused
by Unionfs or elsewhere.

As you are receiving an oops, it would be useful if you could send myself
the oops message, and answer the following questions:

1.  What hardware are you using? i.e. what processor.  Is it
uniprocessor/SMP or is hyperthreading available and enabled?  How much
memory do you have (this is unlikely to be significant, but you never know)?
2.  Does this oops always occur, or only sometimes?  Does the oops ever
change in any way?
3. What version of the liveCD did you use?  (this is so I can download a


Phillip Lougher

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