Keep the Edubuntu flag flying high

Herman Bos hbos at
Thu Jun 15 08:54:56 UTC 2006

Jane Weideman wrote:
> Hello Edubunteros.
> Sadly the time has come (all too quickly) and today is my last official
> day at Canonical. 
> Seeing Edubuntu grow from a mere idea into the awesome community and
> product it is today has been wonderfully exciting and rewarding (as well
> as daunting, exhausting and frustrating at times!). I know all of you
> are going to do an excellent job of keeping the Edubuntu flag flying
> high, and I will keep track of Edubuntu's progress up the charts.
> Many thanks to each and every one of you for what has been an incredible
> opportunity and some wonderful memories. I will really miss you all.
> Drink Amarula often, and think of me :)
> I am hoping I will have time to remain part of the community and stay in
> touch, and I am always available at: janeweideman at if you need
> anything.
> I will keep recommending Ubuntu and Edubuntu to everyone I meet, and
> intend to keep using it myself too.
> Warmest regards,
Hi Jane,

I'm happy to have met you and I wish you all the best.

Good luck,


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