edubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 8, Issue 3

John Ingleby john at
Thu Jan 5 12:20:03 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-01-05 at 12:00 +0000, Antti Turenen <antti.turunen at>

> Hello,
> Im try to install Edubuntu-server. Id like to get LTSP running too, because at the moment I'm using Fedora Core 3 based K12LTSP-server. What should I do when I'm
> installing Edubuntu?
> When I start installing I press <enter> when it asks what installation I
> want to do. Then I made diskpartions (RAID + LVM) and gave an IP-address to my 
> outgoing ethernet connections. 
> My Edubuntu starts fine. I made some changes /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf file (server 
> name and IP-address) Then I give a command sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start 
> and my DHCP-service starts.
> At this point I try to start my thin client, its working with K12LTSP. Thin 
> Client starts fine until when it's asking username and password. I tried to give a 
> username and password and press OK, but screen went black and then grey and X 
> came in the middle of the sceen, and finally it goes back to login screen.

Funny, I had the exact same problem yesterday, also moving from K12LTSP
to Edubuntu.

With help from ogra on the #edubuntu IRC channel, I did this:

$ sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys

Edubuntu uses ssh to connect with thin clients, and this fixed the
problem for me.

Best wishes,

John Ingleby
Hon Secretary - Schoolforge-UK -

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