LTSP Edgy Eft : No Desktop/Logon

Gavin McCullagh gmccullagh at
Wed Dec 6 10:12:28 UTC 2006

On Fri, 01 Dec 2006, David Rigler wrote:

> The client gets a logon screen into which i put the details of a user
> that i know can logon through SSH. Client screen goes dark for approx 10
> seconds then comes back with the logon screen again.
> Log files(see below) seem(?) to show a valid logon
> So why dont i get a desktop??

This might happen if the session (ie gnome) died for some reason.  One
reason gnome can die on startup (admittedly unlikely in this case) is lack
of disk space.

Is there any information in /home/<username>/.xsession-errors on the


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