
Edward Holcroft edward at
Sat Oct 22 12:03:37 UTC 2005

On 22 Oct 2005, at 1:54 PM, Oliver Grawert wrote:

> hi,
> Am Samstag, den 22.10.2005, 13:43 +0200 schrieb Edward Holcroft:
>>>>> Does Edubuntu 5.10 include Etherboot support as part of a default
>>>>> installation? I don't seem to be able to find it.
>>>>> Please tell me it's so obvious that I'm looking right past it.
>>>> yes, edubuntu works fine with the PXE emulating etherboot images  
>>>> from
>>> Thanks Oli. So does this mean I must program by bootroms with
>>> the .zpxe ROM file off romomatic if I want them to work with  
>>> Edubuntu?
>> Since this thread died, I thought I'd better revive it, since I am
>> still left wondering. My NICs are programmed with binary ROM images
>> and fail to boot the clients (they work fine with K12LTSP, so I know
>> it's not the NICs or the ROMs that are faulty). Are you saying that
>> Edubuntu ONLY works with PXE ROMs?
> sorry for the late answer... nobody in the dev team has NICs with
> etherboot roms yet, so beyond using the rom-o-matic bootfloppies we
> havent made tests with EPROM driven NICs i suppose it will work fine
> with the .zpxe roms from rom-o-matic, i cant just say it will work.  
> i'll
> try to get my hands on a EPROM driven NIC as soon as possible to  
> confirm
> that.

Send me a physical address and it will be my pleasure to courier one  
off to you on Monday.


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