Live vs. Install CDs [Re: Edubuntu CD Printing and Distribution Plans]

Philipp Schröder philipp at
Thu Oct 6 14:16:01 UTC 2005



>       * We are looking at a single CD (Edubuntu x386 install CD) - we
>         have no LiveCD and can't cater for other architectures at this
>         point - sorry! 

Personally, I would really need LiveCDs, or none, see my points below.


>  * Distribute CDs to our main Edubuntu Community Advocates/Evangelists
> around the world, 

>       * For them to distribute through events and various other channels
>         in their respective communities. 

Goal = distribute through events, ok!

>       * They will be able to represent Edubuntu in these communities and
>         provide a support hub. 


>       * So far we have interest from community members in Chile, Brazil,
>         Angola, France, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Switzerland, Germany,
>         USA, Philipines,Australia, UK, Italy and South Africa. 

Regarding Switzerland...

I see two main purposes for pressed CDs:

A. ) *Give-away samples* to hand out to colleagues, at Conferences,
Meetings of Initiatives, etc.

B.) People who are ready to "take the plunge" and install it, but have
*limited internet access* .

In Switzerland, broadband is very common, so really, I only see a need
for (A) here. But as give-away samples,

I want *LiveCDs* !

I understand that you cannot provide both Install- and Live-CDs. You
will need to gauge whether you want to aim for the *no internet* folks
or the *have-a-look* people, in that case... :-/

> Please note that this funding has been given to us as it is believed it
> is a worth while investment to grow and further Edubuntu. We need to
> maximise this opportunity and get good results with it. Further funding
> and support depends on it. Let's make it awesome! 

Yeah, let's rock! :-)

Best greetings, Philipp



Philipp Schroeder
DIN15 / Information Architecture & Interaction Design, philipp at

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