Start of Edubunu in my classroo

Reiner Schmid reischmid at
Mon Nov 14 18:54:30 UTC 2005


today I started the edubuntu-terminal-server system with 8 clients. My 
25 pupils are about 14 - 16 years old.
If you want I will inform you what they think about edubuntu. Also I 
could send a photo.

On the system I installed squid with dansguard/webalizer to control the 
internet access.
Sabayon helped me to create different profiles.

A new task:
I miss something,  it is a "public folder" where pupils can change 
documents, show their works ....
What is the best way to create such a folder? What is about the rights 
(read, write, execute) in it?
Should be created a new group like "class" where all pupil belong to?

Don`t forget a public-folder in 6.04, please :-)


Reiner Schmid

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