Edubuntu Artwork for Edubuntu 6.04 - Dapper Drake

Jane Weideman janew at
Mon Nov 14 07:06:54 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-11-13 at 15:00 +0100, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> On So, 2005-11-13 at 15:02 +0200, Jonathan Carter wrote:
> > Hi Edubuntu team!
> > 
> > We need to get cracking on a high-quality default theme for Edubuntu.
> > 
> nope, we'll need more than one.
> at ubz one of the most upcoming questions was what we'll do about the
> themeing in dapper...
> during several discussions we came to the conclusion that we should have
> at least two (rather three) different choices...

Yes I agree that given enough space on the CD we should add enough
artwork options to please most people (aim to get at least 80% of people
here). Covering various target ages, and then bearing in mind the
request for simple less distracting and eye candy looks vs. the more
exciting, appealing, friendly and non-threatening fun looks.

Also bear in mind that much as we'd really like our community
contributors to participate in this and give of their excellent work, we
will probably have at least one official wallpaper etc provided by
Canonical to ensure a polished and professional look.

> what i'd like to do with the artwork package is the following:
>  * add all graphical and theme elements for all choices and
>    install them by default
>  * add a debconf question which flavor you want to use, so 
>    a sudo dpkg-reconfigure edubuntu-artwork will make it possible
>    to easily select between lower, mid and higher grade artwork.

We may need 2 questions here covering age and graphical complexity.
i.e. Something like 'Junior, Middle or Senior' grade, and 'Plain or
Rich' look. 

>  * ask the above debconf question on install to make sure you dont 
>    have to reconfigure anything (you should already know your target
>    audience, right ?).

Possibly but I do think this is the kind of thing people might want to
be able to switch between, particularly in a school covering a large age
group, and with beginner vs advanced classes etc. I don;t think it
should be an on install only option...

> i think for the lower grades we can go with what we have, people seem to
> like it, the only objection i've heard was about the wallpaper, so lets
> change this one, but keep the rest for lower grades.

Yes, I think apart from the wallpaper the rest of the current theme is
great for the Junior grades - for those that don't want the very simple
and plain theme anyway ;)

> for mid grade i dont know what to do, lets find something beautiful here
> for teenagers...probably a wallpaper/splash change would be enough.

Hopefully we can get some input from actual teens here and/or educators
with recent working knowledge of them.

> for higher grades i'd like to suggest to change to the tango icon theme,
> some more "serious" wallpaper and splash screen...

Senior grades and college students could probably go with something
pretty close to the usual Ubuntu look if not exactly that!

> for window frames and gtk themes we should stay with ubuntu as we did in
> the breezy release...

I think it would be good for us to get our own set of GTK login screens
to match our desktop themes if at all possible. Given enough time, disk
space and community contributions to achieve this.

Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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