Contact from OFSET, Edubuntu Summit, 1-3 July 2005

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at
Thu Jun 9 20:10:14 UTC 2005

Jane Weideman a écrit :
> Hi Hilaire,
> On Tue, 2005-06-07 at 14:05 +0200, Hilaire Fernandes wrote:
>>Hello Jane, 
>>I have heard about an Edubuntu summit targeted toward a ubuntu version
>>for education. I am contacting you because I am the president of OFSET
>>and we are longtime developpers of free end-user software for education
>>(not architecture side as it is the case for Ubuntu).
>> We have been worked on software like DrGeo, Gcompris, COLLATINVS and
>>contributed to many others. We have also developped customized versions
>>of Freeduc-cd to give a feel and taste to the teachers about the free
>>software they can use in their respective field. 
>>So we are mainly working in the end-user software side of your
>>integration project althought we have also been working on Debian
>>packaging for freeduc-cd.
>>I guess there are areas where we could collaborate and I would like to
>>see with you how this could be done.
> We are very open to collaborating. Feel free to join our mailing list
> (which I have cc'ed on this message), where we are beginning to talk
> about developments and collaboration opportunities. Details are on our
> web page (which is still very new and modest).

Sure joining mailing list is not a problem. We also have several mailing
lists at OFSET for the applications and projects we are writting and
cunducting (

Providing a quality system package requiere both a good and easy to
maintain infrastructure and bunch of quality end user applications.
These really mean a lot of work. Developpig a single quality end user
application can take years. Do you have any plane in this area ?
I really hope Edubuntu can succeed in the infrastructure side, however
this is not where OFSET can help because we are already busy with the
end user application side :) It is in this area OFSET can help Edubuntu
(or any other infrastructure project as Skolelinux or Abuledu) by
providing applications.

> Will you be joining us at the summit in July?

I would really love to, but schedule is a bit tight for me.

What about comming at the Libre Software Meeting at Dijon/France, the
5-9 July. The OFSET secretary is organizing the education track and you
could meet a lot of interesting and interested people there, see the
education track:

Also it could be a very good place to announce to the world the Edubuntu

Best regards,

Hilaire Fernandes

>>Best regards,
>>Some references you may already know about:
>>And more generally:
> Many thanks for the links, we will certainly take a loot at them.
> Regards

Pétition de soutien au developpement
de logiciels libres pour l'éducation.

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