Jane Weideman
janew at
Thu Jun 2 13:16:34 UTC 2005
Hi all,
In an attemot to get some action going on this list. Please see below a
correspondence I started with Hilton Theunissen of the Shuttleworth
Foundation Open Source Project.
They have been wanting to transition onto Ubuntu for their tuXlabs, but
couldn't wait for Edubuntu to be released so devised their own version
called Skubuntu.
We can discuss this with them at the Edubuntu summit.
In the mean time feel free to post questions to Hilton (or to me and
I'll find out for you).
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Hilton Theunissen <hilton at>
Reply-To: hilton at
To: janew at
Subject: Re: Ubuntu
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 15:07:54 +0200
Jonathan has been busy with customisation a few months weeks now.
Ubuntu.ltsp was easy , the real work was in the customisation for
tuXlabs, menu's, background, shared resources,wikipedia, special
icons,etc. The current install takes approx 3-4hours!
We would be happy to present some of our experiences at the summit.
Hilton Theunissen
Open Source Project Manager
Tel: +27 21 970 1212
Fax:+27 21 970 1213
e-mail: hilton at
Linux userid:318170
Shuttleworth tuXlab Program :
Schools Linux User Group:
Jane Weideman wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 13:04 +0200, Hilton Theunissen wrote:
>>Jane Weideman wrote:
>>>Hi Hilton.
>>>Well after 2 months with Canonical I have gone from not knowing what is
>>>going on, to not knowing what is going on but REALLY busy ;)
>>as long as you get paid for answering your e-mails life is fair!
> True :)
> Although yesterday I slacked off and only worked till 22:15! :P
>>>Anyway I have been exchanging e-mails with Adi, regarding some
>>>activities for the 3rd Ubuntu release Breezy Badger.
>>>She said the following in an e-mail:
>>>"For ThinClientIntegration, at UDU I did mention to the LTSP guys that
>>>we would be happy guinea pigs for the testing. This though, relates
>>>directly back to TSF and Hilton's labs. He can't wait to be using Ubuntu
>>>as his standard school operating system. So that was what I had in
>>>mind... I'm happy to coordinate this process with him, though somehow I
>>>suspect this may be easier for you, sitting right around the corner from
>>>him :)"
>>>If this is the case, I guess we should sit down and have a chat soon :)
>>fantastic, we couldn't wait, so we developed Skubuntu, check out pic. We
>> will have in running in 13 schools by June 16.
> Awesome well done!
> Were many changes made?
>>>Also I am trying to a arrange and Edubuntu summit for Mark to take place
>>>on the first w/e in July in London. He'd like me to invite you and/or
>>>Jonathan to that. I'll give more details soon as it comes together. In
>>>the mean time you can have a look at:
>>>To see what Edubuntu is.
>>Great, we are keen to participate. I think it would be great to get
>>representation from the Wikipedia guys to ensure seamless integration of
>>Wikipedia on Edubuntu as well Gcompris and Childplay oaks. Check with
>>MArk first though. A real great value add is also prof. Derek Keats of
>>UWC,w.r.t. KewlNext.Gen ( currently using Mandrake only)> dkeats at
> Ok. I know Mark is focusing on a good platform and tool more than
> content for now, but he did mention possibly loading wikipedia...
>>Wikipedia Foundation
>>>Jimmy Wales at jwales at or the entire Board of the Wikimedia
>>>>Foundation at board at -
>>># Hilaire Fernandes, President President's email;president at
>>># Georges Khaznadar, Secretary Secretary's email;secretary at
>>>childsplay at
>>Jorris Komen,Namibia > joris at
>>Biggest OS in schools rollout on the continent.
>>Then also and guys.
>>many more key people, only if he needs them there.
> Thanks for all the info...
>>>BTW I have ordered 115 Ubuntu Hoary Hedghog CDs for 12 Plein Street -
>>>still waiting on these to arrive.
>>we would appreciate 100 for June 16 Mega Install.
> Have you placed an order yet?
> Where's the mega install happneing?
> I will see if I can bring some home from SkoleLinux on 14 June.
> But probably not as much as 100, should I get Mako to send a priority
> shipment?
> Regards
> JaneW
Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.
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