Miles Berry mberry at
Sun Jul 17 08:08:45 UTC 2005

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I don't know whether this list is a suitable place to discuss
experiences and problems with my own installation of ubuntu (hoary), but
the following may be relevant to development of edubuntu, or, on the
other hand, may just be my own fault, in which case perhaps someone
could point me in the right direction to get things sorted out.

So, I have hoary set up fine on a spare workstation on the school
network (SuSE 9.1 server, Win98 clients). I've added my Samba 'my
documents' share, 'home', to the places menu, and can browse and move
files to and fro without any problems.
Clicking on a Word file here starts up OOo, but then it packs in, with
the following message:
"Error loading document
/home/mberry/smb:/mberry at hepworth/home/activites.doc does not exist"
My interpretation is that OOo can't cope with the ftp like sambaclient
interface that Nautilus uses, and so gives up. I have had a similar
problem with the Gimp, but not with PostScript viewer.

I've since installed smbfs and mounted my my 'home' share, and OOo works
fine with documents accessed through the proper mount point.
So if this isn't simply the result of my own stupidity, then given that
Mark said edubuntu would use SMB  for accessing server directories,
smbfs will need to be part of edubuntu, and someone might like to work
on an easy way of getting it to point to the shares needed as users log in.

FWIW, our own scheme here has four shares:
home (usual my documents stuff),
group (each class's shared filespace with symlinks from the staff one to
pupils' home directories),
all (resources and documents available to all users), and
hidden (the user's actual linux home directory on the server, not that
this is used much by most folks, but its a handy place to keep firefox
- --
Miles Berry
Deputy Head
St Ives School Haslemere
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (MingW32)


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