homepage in German

Lederer Guillaume guillaume at
Fri Jul 15 07:00:59 UTC 2005

Sorry if I wasn't very clear  ;-)  reading myself again, I though too!

The front page I saw when typing  "" in my browser was 
an explanation about how to use the MoinMoin wiki in French), not a 
description of what Edubuntu was (something like a "project homepage"). 
That is what I though strange.  In my opinion, people should be first 
told what Edubuntu is when they type "", before getting 
an explanation of what a wiki is, as it is probably the first 
information they are looking for.

Mauricio Hernandez a écrit :

>>I had exactly the same problem with the wiki but in FRENCH. For the
>>first day I discovered the wiki, I though strange not to find any
>>introduction text or general list of interesting links. It appears to be
>>solved for me now.
>I didn't quite understand your answer so my response may be wrong, but
>here we go...
>Usually, FrontPage is kind of the index page of any site, with the
>only big difference that in the case of Wikis, FrontPage corresponds
>to a general introduction of what wikis concept is about and how to
>interact with it.
>If you happen to have your browser set to other language than english
>(default), you should get automatically redirected to a French
>FrontPage of MoinMoin general concepts, unless that wiki site Admin
>had already set a DefaultPage (that can be in any language he

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