Invitaton to edubuntu-people for Debian Edu devcamp
Knut Yrvin
knuty at
Wed Jul 13 12:16:41 UTC 2005
onsdag 13 juli 2005, 06:13, skrev Mauricio Hernandez:
> Would that apply to foreigners, as in "Chilean person whose primary
> activities have been related to technology for educational purposes"
> ?
The travel budget is reduced to a minimum in at least from this spring
to January 2006. So the people that comes from abroad usually pays
their trip them selves. There has been a limited budget for people
that really deliver installations, or are heavy contributors to free
software deployment in the schools.
If you are one of them that are able to do that, it could be a
possibility to cover the travel expenses - after an applications
describing what you have delivered so fare, and what you want to
deliver of installations in your country. We have high expectations to
the people that get their travel expenses covered :-)
> I'd really like to be there, esp. because I plan to design a
> step-by-step project for the Chilean Ministry of Education for the
> year 2006.
The work done by Skolelinux is built on experiences with centralised
operation of the ICT-infrastructure with Internet in universities,
university colleges, and the science network since 1992. In 2004 the
science network in Norway converted from RedHat to
Skolelinux/debian-edu with extra components when it was needed. The
architecture that comes with Skolelinux/debian-edu is already in use
in many municipalities with centralised operation of their schools.
Here are some results from our work, and some policy changes from the
government, where some would say that people from the
Skolelinux-project has influenced the Ministry of modernisation:
Experiences from the Use of Skolelinux: Use of OpenSource Software at Four
Norwegian Schools:
Skolelinux from Norway to Eritrea in Norway's largest ICT transfer ever
Norway presents new e-strategy
We will continue to share information about how to deploy and maintain
large Skolelinux/debian-edu installations, and make it possible for
others to participate, or make derivative work from the code, an
cooperate as good as possible. A larger user-base gives lesser
maintenance cost, and more people that makes the system even better
for the schools, and the people that keeps the system running.
It would be a help if you yourself also contributed with finances to
cover expenses. Here is some information on how other regions or
city's are tailoring free software to their needs. Your government
should be interested in helping you with some initial project
The Spanish region of Andalusia:
The Spanish region of Valencia:
The Cape Province, South Africa:
A excellent summary of the Edubuntu!
- Knut
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