[Fwd: suggets 2 open source software for including in edubuntu and/or ubuntu]

Mauricio Hernandez Z. mhz.chile at gmail.com
Thu Dec 22 14:38:43 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 09:06 +0200, Jane Weideman wrote:
> Hi list,
> It seems our biggest and most active Edubuntu community is in Chile, and
> I suspect Mauricio has a lot to do with that ;)

Thanks, Jane, for that acknowledgment. However, IMHO, 'community' is a
too big word for us, because we still don't have commited memebers in
Chile. We have enthusiastic people and testers. Of course, that is the
best step to something bigger.

I feel that once we can start the Tour in Chile, that will change.
So far, I'd call it "a group of people with the potential of becoming a
community". The big stop I see here is that Gov. supported a distro
called Edulinux which many schools felt tempted to try (RPM based) but
it seems it is not working as expected -which may be good to us,
potentially, hence the importance of the Tour we'd like to do.

> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Christian Caneo Camps <ccaneoc at hotmail.com>
> To: jelkner at divmod.com
> Cc: janew at ubuntu.com
> Subject: suggets 2 open source software for including in edubuntu and/or
> ubuntu
> Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:24:34 -0300
> Hi 
> I test ubuntu and edubuntu, great work 


Excelente! gracias por testearlos. Esa es una de las tareas importantes
que nos ayudan a mejorar lo que hacemos.
> I want to make a proposal
> I use 2 open source software that I think might been include in edubuntu
> distribution by default or at leat make the deb package for a leater and
> easy install
> http://exelearning.org/
> http://www.claroline.net

Exelearning, es una gran herramienta de generacion de contenidos. Uno de
los desarrlladores (Matt S.) se contacto conmigo hace unas semanas y
todo indica que es muy probable sea incluida en el arbol de

Claroline, lo use con mucho agrado durante algun tiempo hace uno o 2
anos. Como habia tanta, pero tanta gente usando Moodle, finalmente no
segui probando ninguno de los 2 :) pues no habia tenido la necesidad de
usaro en casos reales hasta ahora.

Por mi parte, no veo problema alguno en incluir los dos mientras exista
un 'Mantenedor' comprometido a velar por esos paquetes.


> sorry for my english I am for Chile
> regards
> Christian Caneo Camps

Christian, your english is not bad at all, remember that as long as
people understand your ideas, then the process of 'communication' is

Christian, why don't you join us in #edubuntu and/or #edubuntu-es 

Maybe there are lots of things we could talk about and work.

Mauricio Hernandez Z.

Edubuntu Chile
irc.freenode.net | #edubuntu #edubuntu-es

ID #287183

[I dream of things that never were and say 'Why Not?']

/!\ Mail escrito sin caracteres especiales para evitar
conflictos de lectura con otros lectores de correos.
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