Limiting video ram to save system ram? From: "ThinClientMemoryUsage" wiki spec page

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Dec 21 16:59:26 UTC 2005

Am Mittwoch, den 21.12.2005, 11:34 -0500 schrieb Phillip Susi:
> Moving this discussion to the mailing list from the wiki:
> Could someone explain to me how telling X to limit the amount of vram it 
> can use could possibly effect the amount of system ram used?  As far as 
> I know this should not be possible.  If this actually does happen, then 
> it seems to me like it's some kind of bug.
thanks for carrying it over to the list :)

according to daniel stone, our X god, the X server automatically
allocates a certain amount of shadow ram in the main memory, i dont
exactly know what or how it gets mirrored since i'm not a low level X
programmer, i just can tell from our tests that it happens (ccing daniel
on this mail, since he might be able to clearify). fact is, that if you
put a recent card say a 64MB nvidia card in a low level thin client it
fails to boot if the VideoRam parameter doesnt restrict the amount of
ram ... we tested this on different hardware to come to the conclusion
that the amount needs to be limited for the low memory target we have
for dapper.

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