Interest for my user administration tool?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Dec 7 14:19:01 UTC 2005

Am Mittwoch, den 07.12.2005, 14:43 +0100 schrieb Dag Sverre Seljebotn:
> As a university project, and also to ease my part-time job as the
> sysadmin at a small school, I'm creating a user administration tool in
> Python/pyGTK.
> Anyway, more info at:
> Feedback welcome. (Including yelling at me if this is misusing these
> lists, excluding feedback on the code itself as I don't consider it
> finished).
that looks very promising, i'll see if i can make a package of it for
universe, so others can try it out in real life environments.
a qustion that people ask me very often is if we offer a tool that makes
it possible to import userdata from an excel exported file which your
tool seems to achieve ...

would it be possible that you put the code online in a bzr archive so
other programmers can branch it easily ?

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