[Fwd: Security and Server]

Jane Weideman janew at hbd.com
Mon Aug 29 12:11:05 UTC 2005

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Matt Dickins <DickinsMCF at tonbridge-school.org>
To: janew at ubuntu.com
Subject: Security and Server
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 19:57:47 +0100

As a permament user, developer and builder of hardware I'm planning on
getting involved with www.computer-aid.org. I think edubuntu is a great
idea, particularly for third world schools.


A couple of suggestions:


1. That this is made into a fully fledged option, with a server version,
managing users accounts (so roaming domain profiles in Windows) and
managing software.... basically a central management option for creating
a domain (in Windows terms).


2. Security be added into the server version, with a highly customisable
firewall, such as Smoothwall.


I think this could be a great OS, especially if it is made 100%
complete, including all security and server features.



Matt Dickins

http://www.gordano.com - Messaging for educators.
Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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