Edit boot-up process.

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Sat Aug 27 20:50:07 UTC 2005

Matt Zimmerman wrote:

>>Each time this is fixed by running ltsp-update-kernels.
> Probably a coincidence, though we don't know the cause of this issue yet.
> For me, simply rebooting the client generally gets it going again.

Indeed, you're right. Runnign ltsp-update-kernels had nothing to do with 
it. It was just my manner of testing that made it look like it.

After 20 reboots (4 server reboots accompanied by 4 client reboots) this 
is the pattern I see:

1. Reboot the server.
2. Boot client.
3. Kernel panic.
4. Reboot client.
5. Successful boot process.

Any subsequent client reboot is successful, until the server reboots again.

I don't know if each client has to go through this, or only the first 
one. I only have one client here. But next week I'll get more client 
boxes and I'll test that.

Thanks for the help.

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