[Fwd: projects list (edubuntu)]

Jane Weideman janew at hbd.com
Thu Aug 11 12:46:06 UTC 2005

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: rouchdi <rouchdi at affaires-generales.gov.ma>
To: janew at hbd.com
Cc: 'Ismail Alaoui' <ismaila at affaires-generales.gov.ma>
Subject: projects list (edubuntu)
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2005 12:38:55 -0000


Please can u send me the description of the following Projects?

      Application Useful in education:

            -   blender

            -   bluefish

            -   qcad

            -   gimp

            -   openoffice

      Misc Applications 

            -   teachertool

            -   cabextract

            -   dansguardian

            -   vicemc

            -   icewm

            -   asuidguard

            -   verynice

This information will be helpful for us, in order to hire a team
(developer, designer,...)  that will follow this project. This latter
will prepare a report to the Minister, in order to use all this products
in our education sector.    


Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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