Accepted amsn 0.95-2.1 (source)

Ubuntu Installer archive at
Tue Sep 19 17:43:43 BST 2006

 OK: amsn_0.95-2.1.dsc
     -> Component: universe Section: x11
 OK: amsn_0.95-2.1.diff.gz

Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  19 Sep 2006 17:19:36 +0100
Source: amsn
Binary: amsn
Architecture: source
Version: 0.95-2.1
Distribution: edgy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Theodore Karkoulis <bilbo at>
Changed-By: Daniel T Chen <crimsun at>
 amsn       - An MSN messenger written in tcl
Closes: 378702 383569
 amsn (0.95-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload to fix lack of dependencies on binary package.
   * debian/control: added ${shlibs:Depends} for the amsn binary, thanks to
     Christian Aichinger for the patch. (Closes: #383569)
   * Added msn.xpm, converted from upstream's 32x32 msn.png icon.
   * debian/rules: added a rule that installs amsn.xpm for the menu entry.
   * debian/rules: fix dh_installman so that the manpage gets installed.
     (Closes: #378702)
   * Removed debian/substvars, since it's automatically generated by debhelper. 
   * debian/rules: added extra rules so that .so files get installed in
     /usr/lib and doc files get installed in /usr/share/doc
   * Added debian/links so that .so files get symlinked into /usr/share, else
     the program does not work.
 9fb092222bb7b90867dcbbc7df195019 621 x11 optional amsn_0.95-2.1.dsc
 28ef5ec43c93366badda44b47c43b2d1 38191 x11 optional amsn_0.95-2.1.diff.gz

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