Accepted drscheme 1:301-15 (source)

Ubuntu Installer archive at
Tue Jul 25 19:33:01 BST 2006

 OK: drscheme_301-15.diff.gz
 OK: drscheme_301.orig.tar.gz
 OK: drscheme_301-15.dsc
     -> Component: universe Section: interpreters

Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Tue,  25 Jul 2006 16:03:00 +0100
Source: drscheme
Binary: drscheme, mzscheme
Architecture: source
Version: 1:301-15
Distribution: edgy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ari Pollak <ari at>
Changed-By: Daniel T Chen <crimsun at>
 drscheme   - PLT Scheme Programming Environment
Closes: 313580 347595 351368 351655 352130 355337 361027
 drscheme (1:301-15) unstable; urgency=low
   * Build-depend on xlibs-data to fix FTBFS
 drscheme (1:301-14) unstable; urgency=low
   * Switching to CDBS added -O2 to the compilation flags without
     me realizing, and mzscheme doesn't build properly on alpha & powerpc
     with that. So switch to never using -O2 in CFLAGS & CXXFLAGS.
 drscheme (1:301-13) unstable; urgency=low
   * Move packaging to cdbs + simple-patchsys
   * Add James Vega to Uploaders list
   * Move libxaw8 back to libxaw7 because libxaw8 is going to be removed
   * debian/patches/list.c-warning-fix.patch:
     - Fix compile warning in src/mzscheme/src/list.c
   * debian/patches/slatex-bug361027.patch:
     - Added to support RequirePackage to start a LaTeX document
       when running slatex. Patch accepted upstream (Closes: #361027)
 drscheme (1:301-12) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix a typo in the mzscheme wrapper (Closes: #355337)
 drscheme (1:301-11) unstable; urgency=low
   * Somehow -10 lost a patch to src/mzscheme/src/ that let this
     package actually compile on alpha. Add the patch back.
 drscheme (1:301-10) unstable; urgency=low
   * Replace mzscheme & mred binaries with very small shell scripts to wrap
     around them and set the PLTCOLLECTS environment variable correctly,
     instead of adding the logic to the drscheme/web-server/etc. wrappers.
     This should fix user-specific collects directories not getting added when
     using drscheme.
   * Move /usr/local/lib/plt/collects creation/removal to postinst/postrm
     instead of including it and its parent directories in the package itself
   * Remove the dependency on libffi-dev and just stop building the foreign
     interface on hppa
   * Remove build-conflicts on libwxxt-dev, it doesn't exist anymore
 drscheme (1:301-9) unstable; urgency=low
   * Put /usr/lib/plt/include/ back in mzscheme instead of drscheme,
     and update mzscheme's Replaces field appropriately
     (Closes: #352130)
 drscheme (1:301-8) unstable; urgency=low
   * Remove libssl-dev from mzscheme dependencies; it's no longer needed
     since the openssl module is built during compile-time
   * Update slib conflicts on mzscheme to slib (<< 3a2-5) (Closes: #351655)
   * Add Conflicts: drscheme (<< 301-6) on drscheme package to try to
     fix problem where upgrading to mzscheme/drscheme 301-6 or higher from
     an earlier 301 revision would fail because of the old broken prerm scripts
 drscheme (1:301-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * running setup-plt during the build process was causing the wrong
     paths to appear in, so correct the paths manually in
     the resulting file.
 drscheme (1:301-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * Ugh. Fix a syntax problem in a Makefile-ism that wasn't
     passing the right thing to ./configure and was still causing FTBFS
     on m68k.
   * Restructure build so we don't need an enormous "clean" target in
     debian/rules, and the entire build system is much shorter now.
   * Make the split between drscheme/mzscheme closer to what upstream
     distributes in their plt-scheme/mzscheme binaries.
   * Try to generate compiled .zo files at build-time since it takes a long
     time and doesn't seem to work properly at install-time.
     - This fixes DrScheme slowness and the ProfJ errors (Closes: #351368)
     - This also fixes the slib catalog generation error (Closes: #347595)
 drscheme (1:301-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Last try to fix m68k. Apparently FFI_CLOSURES is disabled on m68k,
     so the foreign interface won't build properly there. So just
     pass --disable-foreign to ./configure on m68k.
   * Add TODO.Debian to docs
 drscheme (1:301-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix a broken check for SunOS/Solaris that happened to cause
     a FTBFS on SPARC.
 drscheme (1:301-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Trying again to fix the ffi (foreign) interface on hppa and m68k.
     mzscheme includes its own copy of libffi, so let's try
     building against the system-wide libffi library instead.
   * Remove mzscheme's dependency on libreadline5-dev
 drscheme (1:301-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix drscheme & mzscheme prerm to properly remove stuff that gets
     created at install-setup-time.
   * Add libffi4-dev to build-depends to hopefully fix a FTBFS on m68k & hppa
 drscheme (1:301-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
   * Move main mred libraries to drscheme package
   * Change the maintainer to me, since I haven't received anything from
     Stevie lately.
   * Add Vietnamese translation for debconf (Closes: #313580)
   * Add build-depends on libcairo2-dev
   * Switch libxaw7-dev build-depends to libxaw8-dev
   * Stop patching readline support into the source tree because of
     license issues
   * Remove old debian/Makefile.srpersist which was lying around
   * Remove debian/tex2page.1 and install included upstream manpage instead
   * Make /usr/share/doc/drscheme a symlink to /usr/share/doc/mzscheme
   * Add stuff from notes/ in /usr/share/doc/mzscheme
   * src/mred/wxs/, ssrc/wxxt/src/
     - Explicitly add -I/usr/include/freetype2 to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
       so that Xft support will compile, since upstream
       doesn't use pkg-config.
 e3955f5ecc871c010fde090072507fa9 27038 interpreters optional drscheme_301-15.diff.gz
 61f43172460bb297edcf3e0c3599a5e2 12706538 interpreters optional drscheme_301.orig.tar.gz
 1de746a3efde6d952692db1d00c4f0cd 900 interpreters optional drscheme_301-15.dsc

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