Accepted texmacs 1:1.0.6-7 (source)

Ubuntu Installer archive at
Mon Jul 10 10:40:51 BST 2006

 OK: texmacs_1.0.6-7.diff.gz
 OK: texmacs_1.0.6-7.dsc
     -> Component: universe Section: editors

Origin: Debian/unstable
Format: 1.7
Date: Mon,  10 Jul 2006 10:18:32 +0100
Source: texmacs
Binary: texmacs, texmacs-common
Architecture: source
Version: 1:1.0.6-7
Distribution: edgy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Rene van Bevern <rvb at>
Changed-By: Barry deFreese <bddebian at>
 texmacs    - WYSIWYG mathematical text editor using TeX fonts
Closes: 347094 356305 357685 362958 364386
 texmacs (1:1.0.6-7) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/control
     + add texmacs-extra-fonts to Recommends for texmacs
     + Standards-Version: update to 3.7.2 without changes
   * debian/patches/11-desktop-file.dpatch: take from Ubuntu the patch to
     update the .desktop file
   * debian/texmacs-common.install: install .desktop file to the right
 texmacs (1:1.0.6-6) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/02-check-existance.dpatch: before loading any TeX
     files, check if they are really present in the file system
     (closes: #364386)
   * Add bug numbers to patches to better track them
     + 04_axiom.dpatch, 01_american.dpatch, 05_gcc4.1.dpatch,
       06_rebuild-r.dpatch, 09-indent-long-description.dpatch
   * Deactivate 02_config.dpatch
     + config.guess and friends are handled by CDBS
   * debian/control: remove Build-Depends on
     + g++ (>= 4:3.3.3) for !arm !m68k !hppa -- they are build-essential in
       sarge, etch and sid
     + g++ (>= 4:4.0.2-2) for arm m68k hppa -- they are build-essential in
       etch and sid, while the default g++ of sarge is able to build TeXmacs
       on these architectures
 texmacs (1:1.0.6-5) unstable; urgency=low
   * Adopted the TeXmacs package.
     Thank you for the previous work, Ralf. (closes: #362958)
   * debian/patches/09-indent-long-description.dpatch: certain styles
     should not wrongly indent the headlines of long descriptions like
     paragraphs, i.e. "book", "article" and others. (closes: #357685)
   * debian/patches/10-tex_files.cpp.dpatch: manage this change via dpatch
     also, it has been included in the low-level diff.gz in previous
     TeXmacs packages
   * debian/rules:
     + transformed to CDBS. File list of the generated packages
       equal the ones from the previous version, so it should be fine. ;-)
     + took rebuilding of the R plugin out, it is now done using dpatch in
 texmacs (1:1.0.6-4) unstable; urgency=low
   * Patch 05_gcc-4.1: Patches by Martin Michlmayr and Rene van Bevern
     to make compilation with gcc-4.1 work. Thanks, guys! (closes: Bug#356305)
 texmacs (1:1.0.6-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Applied Magnus Ekdahl's patch to replace build-dependency on xlibs-dev
     by "libxt-dev, libx11-dev, x-dev" (closes: Bug#347094).
 26f677692beb24112695f40ae39bc5bc 26806 editors optional texmacs_1.0.6-7.diff.gz
 81575f7ff3a1fdc474ae7dfd7359e290 737 editors optional texmacs_1.0.6-7.dsc

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