Accepted kdeutils 4:3.5.3-1ubuntu1 (source)

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at
Mon Jul 3 22:55:10 BST 2006

 OK: kdeutils_3.5.3-1ubuntu1.dsc
     -> Component: main Section: utils
 OK: kdeutils_3.5.3.orig.tar.gz
 OK: kdeutils_3.5.3-1ubuntu1.diff.gz

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Mon,  3 Jul 2006 20:57:29 +0000
Source: kdeutils
Binary: kdeutils-dev kwalletmanager kedit kdf ktimer kcharselect kdeutils-dbg superkaramba kdeutils kdessh ksim kjots kdeutils-doc-html kfloppy kcalc kdelirc kmilo klaptopdaemon ark kdeutils-doc kgpg khexedit kregexpeditor
Architecture: source
Version: 4:3.5.3-1ubuntu1
Distribution: edgy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at>
Changed-By: Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at>
 ark        - graphical archiving tool for KDE
 kcalc      - calculator for KDE
 kcharselect - character selector for KDE
 kdelirc    - infrared control for KDE
 kdessh     - ssh frontend for KDE
 kdeutils   - general purpose utilities from the official KDE release
 kdeutils-dbg - debugging symbols for kdeutils
 kdeutils-dev - development files for the KDE utilities module
 kdeutils-doc - developer documentation for the KDE utilities module
 kdeutils-doc-html - KDE utilities documentation in HTML format
 kdf        - disk space utility for KDE
 kedit      - basic text editor for KDE
 kfloppy    - floppy formatter for KDE
 kgpg       - GnuPG frontend for KDE
 khexedit   - KDE hex editor
 kjots      - note taking utility for KDE
 klaptopdaemon - battery monitoring and management for laptops using KDE
 kmilo      - laptop special keys support for KDE
 kregexpeditor - graphical regular expression editor plugin for KDE
 ksim       - system information monitor for KDE
 ktimer     - timer utility for KDE
 kwalletmanager - wallet manager for KDE
 superkaramba - a program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE
Closes: 276587 287811 342990 347928 350589 355527 355529 362677 362871 365806 369855 370170
 kdeutils (4:3.5.3-1ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low
   * Sync with Debian
 kdeutils (4:3.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
     + Fixes kregexpeditor crash when editing Pos (or Neg) Look Ahead.
       (Closes: #287811)
     + Fixes ark's ability to open deb packages. (Closes: #362871)
   * KDE_3_5_BRANCH update (up to r548145).
   +++ Changes by Christopher Martin:
   * Remove arj from ark's Recommends, since support doesn't exist currently.
     (Closes: #362677)
   * Add p7zip to the ark Recommends, since Free support for that format does
   * Add ark manpage, thanks to Sune Vuorela. (Closes: #365806)
   * Add kcalc and khexedit manpages, thanks to Holger Hartmann.
     (Closes: #369855, #370170)
 kdeutils (4:3.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   * KDE_3_5_BRANCH update (up to r524080).
   +++ Changes by Christopher Martin:
   * When klaptopdaemon changes klaptop_acpi_helper's permissions, use
     dpkg-statoverride. Thanks to Romain Lenglet for the patch. See
     klatopdaemon's README.Debian for details.
     (Closes: #355527, #355529)
 kdeutils (4:3.5.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
   +++ Changes by Christopher Martin:
   * KDE_3_5_BRANCH update (up to r507313). Includes kcalc fixes for hex
     precision. (Closes: #347928)
   * Add a patch which dlopens XMMS instead of linking to it in Superkaramba.
     Set XMMS as a Suggests, rather than a dependency. Thanks to Kevin Krammer
     for the patch. (Closes: #276587, #350589)
 kdeutils (4:3.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
   +++ Changes by Christopher Martin:
   * Upload to unstable.
 kdeutils (4:3.5.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
   +++ Changes by Christopher Martin:
   * Upload to unstable.
   * KDE_3_5_BRANCH update (up to r495372).
 kdeutils (4:3.5.0-2) experimental; urgency=low
   * Upload to experimental.
   * KDE_3_5_BRANCH update (up to r489522).
   +++ Changes by Christopher Martin:
   * No longer build with gcc-3.4 on any architectures, since gcc-4.0 should
     be fixed. (Closes: #342990)
 353216e7d2dacf91e86e7e0f88623d4c 1420 kde optional kdeutils_3.5.3-1ubuntu1.dsc
 eb0a95159cf1c0e4434fe7b3286f4a7b 3922255 kde optional kdeutils_3.5.3.orig.tar.gz
 d1a8ebf80dea5686797c75f8d7456c0e 306037 kde optional kdeutils_3.5.3-1ubuntu1.diff.gz

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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