== Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-01-02 ==<br><br>Chair: Cody Somerville<br><br>Present: Benjamin Drung, Iain Lane, Micah Gersten, Michael Bienia, Stefano Rivera<br><br>=== Review of previous action items ===<br>
<br>1. cody-somerville to write some documentation on how to endorse someone.<br><br>Pending.<br><br>2. stgraber to create desktop-extra set<br><br>Done.<br><br>3. bdrung to talk to the TB about harmonising DMB members' expiration dates for easier restaffing<br>
<br>Pending.<br><br>=== MOTU Application: Mahyuddin Susanto ===<br><br>Application: <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MahyuddinSusanto/MOTUApplication">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MahyuddinSusanto/MOTUApplication</a><br><br>The application was discussed and voted on; For: 4 Against: 0 Abstained: 1<br>
<br>=== Ubuntu Core Developer Application: Evan Broder ===<br><br>Application: <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EvanBroder/CoreDevApplication">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EvanBroder/CoreDevApplication</a><br><br>The application was discussed and voted on; For: 6 Against: 0 Abstained: 0<br>
<br>--<br>Cody A.W. Somerville<br>