Agenda versus Applications: Discrepancy needing a solution

Simon Quigley simon at
Thu Jan 23 19:48:33 UTC 2025

Hi Nick,

On 1/23/25 01:35 PM, Nick Rosbrook wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 1:15 PM Simon Quigley <simon at> wrote:
>> Therefore, I propose the following:
>>    - Remove "kernel-dkms PPU Application TBD by Agathe Porte" from the agenda and request they go to the back of the line, once their application is ready.
>>    - Remove "TBD by Adrien Nader" from the agenda and request they go to the back of the line, once their application is ready.
>>    - Contact Massimiliano and Mate to see if they'd like to move up to one of the now-freed-up meeting slots.
> Have you contacted Agathe and Adrien to request that they remedy the
> situation? It does not seem fair to bump them from the agenda without
> a chance to address your concerns.

I've contacted Adrien and have an IRC PM going with him as I'm writing this. For Agathe, I'll probably abstain anyway (since it's a DKMS application and the kernel is veryscary to me), but someone should reach out to them.

(That being said, I also think the DMB as a whole needs a chance for comment before going through the steps to actually remove them, including contacting them. The ping to Adrien was out of courtesy because I've worked with 'em before.)

Here's a small excerpt from my IRC conversation with Adrien (text I wrote):

 > When I have spare time between meetings, I'll actually go through *all* the applications on the agenda to evaluate readiness, and to give me an opportunity to reach out to the candidate before the meeting if it's something that should be addressed.
 > My entire point here is, really, you can have an application that isn't filled out or totally ready on the agenda, that's fine, you have up until the meeting date to make modifications (and I re-review as time goes on), but having *no* application linked is a different story.
 > I also want to greatly emphasize that it isn't personal, as well.

Let me say that a bit louder for the folks in the back: *I also want to greatly emphasize that it isn't personal*

Do you, or anyone else, have thoughts on the more general idea here?

Simon Quigley
simon at on Matrix
tsimonq2 on LiberaChat and OFTC
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