Upcoming DMB election planning

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at ubuntu.com
Tue Mar 19 08:07:20 UTC 2024

Hey Robie,

Thanks for writing that email. The plan you lined out makes sense to me, 
I'm +1 on all the points.


Le 18/03/2024 à 21:18, Robie Basak a écrit :
> Hi,
> The terms of three current DMB members will come to an end on
> 2024-03-29, and the remaining four on 2024-06-16.
> Further to the DMB's meeting today, I propose the following:
> 1) Nobody else has volunteered so I will run the election (though if
> someone else would like to do so instead, volunteers are still
> welcome to step forward!).
> 2) I will combine the two elections to avoid having to run two DMB
> elections a month apart.
> 3) To make that work, since the results are ranked, the top three ranked
> candidates shall take their seats immediately, and the further four
> shall take their seats on 2024-06-17.
> 4) We shall re-stagger the terms by giving the top three candidates a
> (approximately) two year term, and the further four winning candidates a
> one year term. We'll align the expiry dates a year apart by extending
> the terms of the first batch as needed, so they'll end up being a little
> over two years. (Rationale: better than reducing the terms of the second
> batch to less than even a year and it makes sense to give the higher
> ranked candidates the longer term).
> 5) We'll extend the terms of the existing DMB members until the election
> is complete. If individual members wish to stand down, then we'll have
> to run the board with a reduced number of members until the election is
> complete.
> 6) If existing DMB members stand for election again (as I hope they
> will!), it may happen that some or all of the top three ranked
> candidates would end up with two seats at once. To avoid this
> contradiction, if this situation does arise then we'll instead extend
> the term of any affected expiring seats until 2024-06-17, assuming that
> the incumbent agrees to serve on the board until then. If not, then the
> elected candidate shall continue with only one seat, with a reduced
> number on the DMB, until 2024-06-17.
> 7) Various specifics above are beyond the remit of the DMB to determine
> and require TB approval. If the DMB agree to some or all of the above,
> I'll then ask the TB on behalf of the DMB to approve. This is the
> minimal effort resolution of the various issues that I think will work
> fairly for everyone, but if you can think of a better way to do it, or
> would prefer to defer some aspects for now, then please do speak up.
> Thanks,
> Robie

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