Welcome back to ~lubuntu-dev, Aaron!

Simon Quigley simon at tsimonq2.net
Sun Nov 12 20:01:58 UTC 2023

Hello Ubuntu Developer Membership Board! I hope you are all doing well.

Yesterday, per the requirements laid out by the ~lubuntu-dev charter, we voted 
to add Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3) back to the Lubuntu Developers team on 
Launchpad, granting him full upload rights to Lubuntu packages, once again.

When he originally joined the team, I will fully admit, we did not go easy on 
him. I would equate his original grilling[1] to that of a prospective Ubuntu 
Core Developer. Nevertheless, he passed with flying colors.

Unfortunately, Aaron had to step away for a cycle. In accordance with the Ubuntu 
Code of Conduct, he gracefully stepped down and left teams with earned 
permissions, including the Lubuntu Developers team. Now, he has returned at 
(essentially) the capacity he was at before. We voted not to grill him[2], but I 
subsequently decided to ignore the vote and grill him anyway[3]. :)

Again, he passed with flying colors. Quite frankly, I am extremely impressed by 
his ability to:
  a) withstand my incredibly nuanced (and sometimes unclear) questions.
  b) accurately answer those questions to the best of his ability.

Yes, I know that I shouldn't do this to the average contributor. I usually don't 
grill someone this hard, but Aaron sets a high bar, so I needed to give him a 
bar that was slightly higher, to jump over. As developers, this is how we 
improve; through continuous feedback, analysis, and training, we become 
stronger. An impactful and resilient leader within the development community is 
one who is not afraid to back down when presented with great challenges, or 
obstacles. They know where to find information when they need it, even if they 
do not have it at their fingertips. And, they don't easily give up, which Aaron 
could have done during my questioning.

Aaron is a prime example of what we look for in an Ubuntu Developer. I would not 
normally say this, but *he has earned it*: the Ubuntu Developer Membership Board 
should carefully consider, at my strong recommendation, fast-tracking Aaron 
Rainbolt for Ubuntu Master of the Universe.

The main element he is missing is specific experience with a variety of packages 
in Universe (although he does have existing experience with packages outside of 
our packageset[4]). My request is not to immediately add him, but to strongly 
consider fast-tracking such an application, providing guidance, feedback, and 
support to him. I will be sure to pass him many merges and uploads to do; all of 
this being said, philosophically and academically speaking, Aaron is completely 
ready to become an Ubuntu Master of the Universe. To (partially) quote Steve 
Langasek's endorsement of my own Core Developer application, applying it in this 
context: Aaron is "agreeable and constructive in his engagement, eager to learn, 
and gracious in accepting feedback. [...] I am confident in his commitment to 
working within the Ubuntu community according to community norms." This also 
applies to Aaron.

In particular, this set of upload permissions would allow him to upload to the 
source NEW queue, which would have helped this cycle had I not taken the lead on 
lxqt-menu-data. In the past, he has completely rebuilt packages (specifically 
copyright files and rules files, plus he wrote the packaging for 
lubuntu-installer-prompt from the ground up), and I have confidence he would 
fill the shoes of Ubuntu Master of the Universe, being a productive force in the 
wider Ubuntu Community.

Please carefully consider my thoughts, and let me know what you think.

[2] https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/11/08/%23lubuntu-devel.html#t21:33
[3] https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/11/10/%23lubuntu-devel.html#t18:14 
(continues into the next day)

In my own capacity as Lubuntu Release Manager,
Simon Quigley
simon at tsimonq2.net
tsimonq2 on LiberaChat and OFTC
@tsimonq2:linuxdelta.com on Matrix
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