PPU upload rights application for sosreport

Nikhil Kshirsagar nikhil.kshirsagar at canonical.com
Thu Jun 1 12:42:59 UTC 2023

Hi Lukas, please find my answers to your questions.

1) Dariusz has responded to this point.

2) A typical situation for an SRU MRE is when upstream releases many fixes
together as a new minor release. That new upstream release can be SRU'd as
a single release, instead of backporting the patches individually, as an
So it allows backporting several patches at once without needing to open LP
bugs for each of those, and also allows testing the entire release as a
whole instead of unit testing each scenario with and without the individual
patches. It does not allow making changes to the build system, for eg.
introducing new lib dependencies, or any drastic changes from the earlier
point release.

3) Autopkgtest failures for uploads done to *stable* series have been
handled by me in the past, so I can talk about what I did when I saw those
failures. I did see specifically cleaner/mask issues in
(opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sosreport/+bug/1962733
and https://github.com/sosreport/sos/issues/2873). I then visited the
excuses page to check the failures in detail, and then decided to go ahead
with the release of the sos 4.3 package after consultation with other SEG
folks) as well as the recent (not yet released to updates) SRU for
sosreport 4.5.3 (
where I analysed the focal/bionic autopkgtest failures and ruled them out
as a problem. I've also learned about the hints repository (
https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu) which
would be used to manually get packages into proposed for devel, in spite of
autopkgtest failures that would block the CI/CD process from pushing it to
release automatically.

1:1.6.1-0ubuntu3.1 - the first 1 is the epoch, (the major version, often
bumped if naming schemes change that would otherwise destroy the greater
than/lesser than logic for comparing package versions). The 1.6.1 is the
package version. The 0 before the Ubuntu implies there is no debian
equivalent of this particular version. This is a devel package, with the
ubuntu3 implying its 3rd Ubuntu release, and the .1 is an update, typically
from the ~updates pocket.

2.102-1-2ubuntu0.23.04.1 - "2.102-1" is the upstream version of the
package, the -2 after that is the debian revision of it. Ubuntu has used
that revision as it is without any extra patches applied on it for its
Lunar stable release.


On Mon, May 29, 2023 at 10:06 PM Lukasz Zemczak <
lukasz.zemczak at canonical.com> wrote:

> Hello Nikhil!
> As at today's DMB meeting we were not able to achieve quorum and the
> next DMB application slot is already taken, we have decided to try and
> handle Nikhil's application via e-mail. If we're unable to progress
> sufficiently fast, we can always discuss the application in one of the
> subsequent meetings.
> To not delay this into infinity, let's use the next 2-3 days for
> questions and then instantly move to voting.
> Nikhil, could you please introduce yourself briefly in a reply to this
> message?
> As a reminder, Nikhil's application can be found here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nkshirsagar/UbuntuPerPackageUploaderApplication
> and already contains an introduction, but it's always a nice to have a
> time-slot to be able to say something more. Especially regarding your
> motivations for getting the PPU rights for the package.
> Since there's no actual need to wait, I'll start off with my few
> initial questions. The floor is open for questions from other DMB
> members as well.
> 1) A bit of a formal nitpick, but I see Dariusz on your application is
> listed as a 'commenter' instead of an 'endorser'. His comment feels
> like an endorsement however - is that a mistake? Would Dariusz be able
> to endorse your application?
> 2) Can you tell me what an SRU MRE is? What is the meaning? What are
> the limitations? What does it allow and what not?
> 3) Let's say an upload that you did for both the devel series and a
> stable series, say, jammy, reports autopkgtest failures. What does it
> mean to the uploads (both devel and jammy). How would you proceed?
> Elaborate on a few possible scenarios here.
> 4) Could you explain to me in detail the meaning of the following
> Ubuntu package versions?
>   a) 1:1.6.1-0ubuntu3.1
>   b) 2.102-1-2ubuntu0.23.04.1
> Those should suffice for now. Thank you!
> Best regards,
> On Mon, 29 May 2023 at 10:36, Nikhil Kshirsagar
> <nikhil.kshirsagar at canonical.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am the maintainer of the Ubuntu sosreport package
> > (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sosreport/) since the last one
> > year.
> >
> > I'd like to apply for PPU upload rights for sosreport. This is my
> > application -
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/nkshirsagar/UbuntuPerPackageUploaderApplication
> >
> > I have added my name for the the IRC meeting today at 4 PM UTC.
> > (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda)
> >
> > I was not aware I needed to send this email a week earlier, apologies
> for that.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Nikhil.
> >
> > --
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> Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak
>  Foundations Team
>  Tools Squad Interim Engineering Manager
>  lukasz.zemczak at canonical.com
>  www.canonical.com
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