Request for the addition of qtxdg-tools to the Lubuntu packageset

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Dec 13 08:49:17 UTC 2022

Hey Aaron,

The request makes sense to me, I've updated the lubuntu set to include 
it now


Le 12/12/2022 à 22:41, Aaron Rainbolt a écrit :
> Good morning/evening all, and thanks for your time.
> Recently, a new package in LXQt was added to Debian and Ubuntu, 
> qtxdg-tools. (Launchpad link: 
> It is maintained by 
> the Lubuntu Developers team, and is currently seeded in Lubuntu, but 
> it has not been added to the Lubuntu packageset. I would like to 
> request that this package be added to the Lubuntu packageset so that 
> Lubuntu's PPUs (myself included) can upload to it directly.
> Thank you for your time and consideration!

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