Rescheduling regular DMB meeting day/time

Dan Streetman ddstreet at
Tue Nov 9 16:06:23 UTC 2021

On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 6:25 PM Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 06:22:33PM -0500, Dan Streetman wrote:
> > Thanks Robie; since this time doesn't work for you, as I asked before,
> > can you please provide day/time slots that will work for you? I'll try
> > to fit the meeting into a good day/time slot if you can actually
> > provide that info.
> On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 10:53:00PM +0000, Robie Basak wrote:
> > I did try and put together a list of available times, but it essentially
> > became just the current meeting schedule because over the years I've
> > adjusted my other commitments around it. But if we do pick a different
> > time, I'll try to accomodate.

Ok sorry I misunderstood that comment, I didn't realize you meant you
want the current schedule and will -1 any change; assuming I'm not
misunderstanding you again, of course.

As the current schedule doesn't work for at least some of the other
board members, I still think it's important we look for a different
time that works for the most number of board members (preferably all
members). With that in mind, and assuming I haven't misunderstood your
statement, I think we may have to just proceed with the rescheduling
even with your -1. However I would really, really like to find a time
that is at least acceptable to all board members, so again, if you
have *any* days/times that would be agreeable to you (besides the
current schedule), please let us know.

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