DMB: proposal for adjustment to quorum rule

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Mon Nov 8 23:14:58 UTC 2021

On Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 06:06:13PM -0500, Dan Streetman wrote:
> Robie, the poll had been open since Oct 21; you had 16 days to vote on
> it. I shouldn't have to chase you for your vote for more than 2 weeks;
> if you want to vote on it, 2 weeks is enough of a window.

I disagree. Applicant meetings take priority, and they've been busy
recently, including having ran over. You've also had multiple other
threads running at once. I expect to spend 60-90 minutes every two weeks
on DMB stuff, and that's where my recent "DMB time" has been spent.
These issues are long running ones and can wait until we don't have >1h
application meetings. Apart from the last DMB meeting was in my evening
when I was otherwise busy, but made it anyway. Nobody else showed up, so
I took my evening back.

If you want to make process changes, please fit it into the time DMB
members already have allocated for DMB work. This means, for example,
waiting in line against other meeting agenda items. It is not reasonable
to expect more than this.
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