DMB meeting time discussion for 19:00 UTC meetings

Dan Streetman ddstreet at
Mon Dec 13 14:19:09 UTC 2021

Previously, we discussed rescheduling the DMB meetings to better fit
the members' schedules, and we came to agreement last meeting
(2021-12-01) to reschedule the DMB meetings that were previously
scheduled at 15:00 UTC, to 16:00 UTC (with no change in day).

It was also suggested during the ML discussion that it might be
beneficial to reschedule the 19:00 UTC meetings as well. (There was
also a suggestion of changing the default method of application, from
realtime IRC applications to application over email, which I'll send a
separate email about, to keep the discussions separate).

Is there any DMB member who has an opinion and/or preference, for
either keeping the 19:00 UTC meetings at the same time, or moving the
19:00 UTC meetings to 16:00 UTC?

I suspect that we won't get any DMB member responses to this, besides
feedback Robie has already provided to previous ML emails in favor of
keeping 19:00 UTC meetings; and I have no personal preference for
16:00 UTC vs. 19:00 UTC, so as far as I'm concerned (in driving this
specific action item), if there is no other input from DMB members *in
favor* of changing the 19:00 UTC time by the 2022-01-10 DMB meeting,
I'll simply let this action item quietly drop with no change to the
19:00 UTC meetings.

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