DMB: proposal for adjustment to quorum rule

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Fri Aug 27 13:11:21 UTC 2021

Again, thank you for bringing this up.

Related is my proposal from 2017 to tackle the same problem, which
resulted in discussion but no consensus at the time:

My proposal then still stands now, additionally with some variants
suggested from the previous discussion. So I think we have:

A: if not enough members to reach an absolute majority at a first
meeting, then at the next meeting only a simple majority of members
present is required.

B: only a simple majority of members present is required.

C: a formal quorum is required of some number or percentage (to be

D: A unanimous vote of members present is required.

E: C, but also requires the vote to be unanimous.

I wonder if current DMB members could rank their preferences, and if
supporting C, then specify the number of percentage they prefer.


Absolute majority: more than 50% of all DMB members.

Simple majority: more than 50% of DMB members present at a particular

Informal quorum: the minimum number required such that absent members
cannot change outcome given that an absolute majority is required. This
is how we operate currently.

Formal quorum: some other definition, details to be decided, that
specifies how many members are required to be present such that a simple
majority of those members present can then pass a motion.
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