CoreDev membership application

Thomas Ward teward at
Fri Apr 30 14:45:02 UTC 2021

Works for me, but I'm only available for the first 30 minutes of that 
hour - meetings at FT job take precedence so this application will have 
to be the first thing we do at the meeting if I'm going to weigh in at 
the meeting.


On 4/30/21 8:42 AM, Lukasz Zemczak wrote:
> Hey Alex!
> I think that could work for me.
> How about the rest of our DMB members?
> Cheers,
> On Tue, 27 Apr 2021 at 09:22, Alex Murray <alex.murray at> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2021-04-06 at 10:54:50 +0930, Alex Murray wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2021-04-06 at 02:06:21 +0930, Robie Basak wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 04:42:22PM +1030, Alex Murray wrote:
>>>>> Okay looking back at the responses, it looks like everyone would be
>>>>> okay
>>>>> with a
>>>>> meeting at 11:30 UTC - so could I please propose this time for either
>>>>> the 2021-04-19 meeting or the 2021-05-03 one?
>>>> We've had four (ie. quorate) responses for 2021-05-03 11:30 UTC, so
>>>> we'll move the regular 2021-05-03 meeting to that time. I've updated the
>>>> agenda accordingly.
>>> Excellent - thanks :)
>> Apologies for the last minute intervention but I have just seen the
>> event calendar for the product roadmap sprint next week and the security
>> team's private session clashes with this time so I won't be able to make
>> this time anymore - however, since I'll be around later that "day" now
>> anyway, if it works for others I could instead do 14:00 UTC?
>>>> Sorry this was more drawn out than it had to be. I hope we can make this
>>>> smoother if it needs to happen again.
>>> I don't think it felt overly drawn out - it takes time to try and
>>> coordinate across a diverse group so it was about what I
>>> expected. Thanks again to everyone for making yourselves available for
>>> this time.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Robie
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