CoreDev membership application

Alex Murray alex.murray at
Tue Apr 27 07:21:57 UTC 2021

On Tue, 2021-04-06 at 10:54:50 +0930, Alex Murray wrote:

> On Tue, 2021-04-06 at 02:06:21 +0930, Robie Basak wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 04:42:22PM +1030, Alex Murray wrote:
>>> Okay looking back at the responses, it looks like everyone would be 
>>> okay
>>> with a
>>> meeting at 11:30 UTC - so could I please propose this time for either
>>> the 2021-04-19 meeting or the 2021-05-03 one?
>> We've had four (ie. quorate) responses for 2021-05-03 11:30 UTC, so
>> we'll move the regular 2021-05-03 meeting to that time. I've updated the
>> agenda accordingly.
> Excellent - thanks :)

Apologies for the last minute intervention but I have just seen the
event calendar for the product roadmap sprint next week and the security
team's private session clashes with this time so I won't be able to make
this time anymore - however, since I'll be around later that "day" now
anyway, if it works for others I could instead do 14:00 UTC?

>> Sorry this was more drawn out than it had to be. I hope we can make this
>> smoother if it needs to happen again.
> I don't think it felt overly drawn out - it takes time to try and
> coordinate across a diverse group so it was about what I
> expected. Thanks again to everyone for making yourselves available for
> this time.
>> Thanks,
>> Robie

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