Request for delagate team for DKMS modules

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Mon Jul 13 20:09:57 UTC 2020

On Wed, Jul 01, 2020 at 03:02:21PM -0500, Francis Ginther wrote:
> On behalf of the kernel team, I'd like to request the creation of a new
> delegate team for providing upload rights for the set of kernel dkms module
> packages listed below. The intent of this group is to provide the members
> the ability to upload compatibility updates to these kernel modules when
> forward porting to new kernel versions and stable kernel upstream updates.

This was discussed at our DMB meeting today. There are voting actions
for the DMB, and one action for Francis.

Actions for Francis: please could you consult and coordinate with
existing sponsors as needed to see if they are willing to endorse the
proposed members individually to be able to upload these packages? I
suggest following the regular PPU application templates, though feel
free to reduce red tape by putting them all on a single page or similar
as you feel appropriate. I only care that the same information the
process would normally gather is made available.

Action for the DMB: please vote on the following two motions.

Motion 1: Create a DKMS packageset defined as "Packages that ship DKMS
modules that need updating to support new kernel versions" once we have
further agreed upon at least one uploader to be able to upload to this

Votes so far: rbasak +1, rafaeldtinoco +1

Motion 2: Create a DKMS packageset uploading team once we have further
agreed upon at least one uploader to be added to this team. This team
will be authorised to upload to the DKMS packageset subject to two
requirements. Requirement 1: that they coordinate as required by the
teams that already handle these packages; for example if a non-trivial
fix is required that has wider consequences than just the DKMS package,
then the team will be expected to be consulted first. Requirement 2: no
uploading of things not related to DKMS when exercising the privileges
of this team. If that means that a team member cannot upload, the normal
sponsorship process will need to be followed.

Votes so far: rbasak +1, rafaeldtinoco +1

FTR, I put in the restrictions in motion 2 in the hope that it will reduce
the bar required to get applicants added to the team.

If/once the above is all agreed and done, the DMB will be able to
individually consider adding the proposed members to the team. We
decided to separate out the delegation request from the creation of the
packageset and uploading team so that we could defer the delegation
request to a later decision but make progress in the meantime.


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