Core dev requirement for developer membership board seats?

Dan Streetman dan.streetman at
Wed Jan 15 16:43:53 UTC 2020

On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 9:41 AM Robie Basak <robie.basak at> wrote:
> [Note that this email is public; I see no reason to keep it private. I'm
> asking the current DMB and TB for advice, but I'm also interested in
> hearing the opinions of other Ubuntu developers (ie. the electorate)]
> I am preparing a call for nomimations for the developer membership board
> as some members' terms have expired and others' are expiring soon.
> I seem to recall that there was a question last time about whether there
> should be a core dev requirement to serve on the board, as otherwise we
> end up in a situation where non core devs vote to grant core dev
> membership to others or even themselves. This may or may not be
> perfectly fine depending on your point of view.
> I believe this happened to Simon - but as we expected at the time he
> applied and got core dev shortly afterwards (I believe he recused
> himself from that vote) and so the situation was resolved that way.
> It's also worth noting that the DMB is usually short of nominees when it
> comes to board elections, and attendance from quite a few board members
> has been very low for the last few years, causing much frustration
> amongst applicants when we have not been able to make quorum. Therefore,
> from the other side, limiting eligibility has the potential to be
> harmful.
> So here's the question: how should we define the set of people who are
> eligible for a seat on the developer membership board?

As DMB members are expected to have familiarity with the process, I
think it's reasonable to limit eligibility to members of
~ubuntu-core-dev, ~ubuntu-sru-developers, or ~motu.

> In case this ends up being contentious, I should note that
> organisationally I believe this is ultimately a matter for the current
> DMB and current TB to decide between themselves. But it seems
> appropriate to invite comment from the electorate to help them form an
> opinion.
> Thanks,
> Robie
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