Redkite to either Ubuntu Studio packageset or my personal PPU list

Rafael David Tinoco rafaeldtinoco at
Fri Aug 14 17:48:11 UTC 2020

On 14/08/2020 14:15, Rafael David Tinoco wrote:
>> I haven't seen any movement on this yet [6]. I can haz perms for
>> redkite? Please? [1][2][3][4]
>> I have the new upload ready and I'd rather not bug Thomas since he is
>> still recovering from his unfortunate sudden medical situation. [5]
> $ edit-acl add -s redkite -S groovy -P ubuntustudio
> Please enter password for encrypted keyring:
> Added:
> redkite


this is the result from the packageset autorun this week:

Would remove sources from ubuntustudio:

I remember you just asked for those - and some other packages - to be in
your packageset.. but, if not in your seed, they have to be added as

Should I add them as exceptions or you're updating your seeds ?



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