teward application for CoreDev

Thomas Ward teward at ubuntu.com
Mon Jun 3 15:25:16 UTC 2019


Due to lack of quorum in the IRC meeting today, I was asked by Łukasz
Zemczak (sil2100) if we can move my CoreDev application to 'next meeting'.

Moving to next meeting is on June 17th at 19:00UTC is sufficient, and I
will adjust my entry on the agenda accordingly.

Handling this via email is also acceptable if necessary.


On 5/8/19 4:09 PM, Thomas Ward wrote:
> Hello.
> I have placed myself on the DMB agenda for the June 3rd meeting to
> apply for CoreDev rights.
> My application page can be found at
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Thomas%20Ward/DeveloperApplication-COREDEV and
> is also linked via the DMB agenda page.
> If you have any questions that you want answered and will not be at
> the meeting, please let me know, I will be happy to answer here or
> off-list as necessary to those questions.  Otherwise, I hope you will
> ask me any relevant questions at the interview on June 3rd.
> (Should I have to change the appearance date for any reason, I will
> let you know, IT people have some of the most hectic schedules usually...)
> Thomas
> LP: ~teward
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