Ubuntu core-dev membership

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 16 11:07:47 UTC 2017

Hi Raphaël,

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 10:58:12AM +0000, Raphaël Pinson wrote:
> My Ubuntu core-dev membership just expired. Is it possible to restore it
> please, as I still use it to upload to main?

I wouldn't call "Expired on 2016-12-28" "just". I think this is probably
still OK, but I'd just like to check that other DMB members concur.

From recent history I think the DMB's consensus is that straight after
expiration is generally treated as fine, and a long time after
expiration has been "should reapply with abbreviated application;
historical membership will be looked upon favourably".

I'm not sure of the DMB's general opinion on where ~75 days falls on
that scale.

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