Re-generate the list of my personal packageset?

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Mon Jun 19 19:04:07 UTC 2017


On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 10:58:31AM -0700, Brian Murray wrote:
> On Mon, May 08, 2017 at 05:44:58PM +0100, Robie Basak wrote:
> > @DMB
> > 
> > We concluded in today's meeting that Aron's network-manager(*?) and dkms
> > requests need further discussion as they are seeded. Please discuss.
> > Context:
> >
> As I mentioned in the meeting I agree with Robie that network-manager is
> a "step-up from some packages in universe" in part because it is seeded
> and that the DMB should setup some criteria for determining what
> qualifies as a package that deserves extra consideration for the DD
> process.
> In this particular case I'm concerned about the fall-out of an SRU of
> network-manager to Ubuntu 16.04 which resulted in LP: #1676547 reported
> by me. I realize that network-manager did go through the SRU process and
> that your not having package upload rights would not have prevented
> this, but I'm curious about the tending of network-manager issues.
> Aron, before these emails had you seen or were you aware of this
> specific bug report?
> If you weren't what systems could you put into place so that you become
> notified of critical issues?
> Additionally, what could you have been done differently to prevent this
> from being an issue?

Do you have any answers to Brian's questions, please? Assuming you still
want to proceed, your request is currently stalled by this.

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