upload rights for my Debian packages

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Mon Jan 20 10:39:14 UTC 2014

On 20/01/14 11:26, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Hi Daniel (2014.01.10_16:09:34_+0200)
>> For those packages where I use travis-ci, travis is building the
>> packages in Ubuntu on every commit, e.g.
>> https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate/blob/master/.travis.yml
> That does a build on suacy, a current stable release. Before doing an
> upload to Ubuntu, would you test-build on the development release?

Yes, I can do that easily in a VM

I'd also like to find a solution for more extensive CI (beyond just
building) - e.g. to actually run instances of the various RTC packages
in development version of Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora and verify that they
talk to each other.  This requires more automation than what travis can
currently support.

> Are you subscribed to ubuntu-devel-announce?


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